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Unity3d Client


Running the demo server

The colyseus-unity3d comes with a usage example, and a simple room handler for basic testing. You can test it locally by running these commands in your commandline:

cd Server
npm install
npm start

The demo server is using @colyseus/social for user authentication. Please download and install MongoDB locally:


Ensure you have Node v8+ installed locally to run the server.


Each Client and Room connections need to run on its own Coroutine. See usage example for more details.

Connecting to the Server

Client client = new Colyseus.Client ("ws://localhost:2567");

Joining a Room

See how to generate your RoomState from State Handling

try {
    Room room = await client.Join<RoomState> ("room_name");
    Debug.Log("Joined successfully!");

} catch (ex) {
    Debug.Log("Error joining: " + ex.Message);

Getting the full room state from the server.

room.OnStateChange += OnStateChange;

void OnStateChange (State state, bool isFirstState)
    if (isFirstState) {
        // First setup of your client state
    } else {
        // Further updates on your client state

Attaching callbacks to your schema structures

See how to generate your RoomState from State Handling

Room room = await client.Join<RoomState> ("room_name");
Debug.Log("Joined room successfully.");

room.State.players.OnAdd += OnPlayerAdd;
room.State.players.OnRemove += OnPlayerRemove;
room.State.players.OnChange += OnPlayerChange;

void OnPlayerAdd(Player player, string key)
    Debug.Log("player added!");
    Debug.Log(player); // Here's your `Player` instance
    Debug.Log(key); // Here's your `Player` key

void OnPlayerRemove(Player player, string key)
    Debug.Log("player removed!");
    Debug.Log(player); // Here's your `Player` instance
    Debug.Log(key); // Here's your `Player` key

void OnPlayerChange(Player player, string key)
    Debug.Log("player moved!");
    Debug.Log(player); // Here's your `Player` instance
    Debug.Log(key); // Here's your `Player` key


If you set a breakpoint in your application while the WebSocket connection is open, the connection will be closed automatically after 3 seconds due to inactivity. To prevent the WebSocket connection from dropping, use pingInterval: 0 during development:

import { Server, RedisPresence } from "colyseus";

const gameServer = new Server({
  // ...
  pingInterval: 0 // HERE

Make sure to have a pingInterval higher than 0 on production. The default pingInterval value is 1500.